I feel a lot like Elsa, charging forward into the unknown as I round my sixth month since applying to be a Campus Minister at Bread!
Where Faith and Reason Collide
“I was so excited about Bread because I had, maybe, a week before, had a conversation with my mom and dad about needing a lot of money so we could just start a L’Abri like what Francis Schaeffer did, because through a ministry like that we could serve people like Jesus did—without expectation of anything in return, without concern about whether or not they were going to become members, tithe, or ‘grow’ the ministry.”
This past weekend, I was asked to share some of my favorite moments in my previous job. This is that story. It’s a story about how no effort we make is in vain, if it’s as unto the Lord.
In this article I share my thoughts on the importance of Saint Augustine’s idea that all truth belongs to God, and how that should shape the way we interact with the world and Christians.
What if Peter’s realization of “Where Else Can I Go?” was more of a revelation that went back to Exodus.
After almost 40 years on this earth, I finally really understand Peter’s words in John 6. At some point, so much as happened that I’ve finally realized, there’s nothing I can do. There’s no where else I can go.
I had three conversations that led me to eventually piece together the last 20 years of my life and helped me realize why I’ve come to specific conclusions. In this preface, I take the time to share about these conversations and explain a little about myself.
We all have friends in our lives that fundamentally change our lives. Often times we don’t realize it… it isn’t until something big happens that we put the pieces together. These friends aren’t always the friends we grew up with, these friends are sometimes the ones that you’ve interacted with for a season and then you lost touch because of life, timing, or distance. One of these people in my life has been Zach. You may never have had the opportunity to meet him, but if you know me, he’s probably had an impact on your life.
Here I take inspiration from Boromir, son of Denethor II’s last words to his brother Faramir, that there are some days to be remembered, because life is good.
Looking back, we can see how Dr. Stanley stood as a bulwark against the seemingly unending waves of both personal and faith attacks, with his parliamentary knowledge and wit so sharp that his opponents would sue him seeking federal intervention to stop him – but it almost didn’t happen.